Calc - Java Calculator for cell-phones and
MIDP devices
Programming examples
In the program listings, the most basic commands are written as just
the command name, such as "ENTER", "*", and numbers such as
"0.5". Commands that are found deeper down in the menu hierarchy will
be written prefixed with some parts of the menu choices
needed to get to the command. This is done to remind the user
how to find the command, it is not meant as a complete description of
how to find the command. For example, if the program listing contains
"stack/RCL st# 1", what this actually means is
"main/special/stack/more/RCL st#/<0-3>/<1>".
Programming hint: If a program needs parameters pushed onto the stack
before running, it is useful to push some dummy arguments on the stack
before starting to record the program, to be able to follow the
programming with actual data.
Index of programming examples
- Drawing a function
- Quadratic equation
- Solving an equation for different variables
- DDD.MMSS conversions
- Biorhythms
- Advanced curve fitting example
- Spline drawing
- Plotting a circle
- Plotting a sphere
- Mandelbrot fractals
- Linear Programming
- Plotting curves
Many people have requested a more thorough explanation of how to do such a
simple thing as drawing a function. To recap the long and perhaps tedious
documentation, a funtion is a program that uses the lowest element on the stack
(x) as input, calculates the function value based on this input, and leaves the
resulting function value in the lowest element on the stack as output.
We will proceed to program and draw two different programs of different
complexity. The first program represents one of the simplest functions
f(x) = x
Let's see how we can make a program to calculate this function. When the
program is called by the graph drawing operation, the input value x will be
present as the lowest element on the stack. Since the input value of this
particular function equals the output value, we don't have to do anything to it
to it to calculate the function value. Also, since the output value of the
function should be located in the lowest stack element when the program
finishes, the program does not have to do anything either. Therefore, the
operations you need to execute to program this function are as follows:
prog/new "f1"
To draw the function, we first need the boundaries of the draw area pushed on
the stack. We will use the area -10<x<10 and -10<y<10. After
entering the limits, we may execute the draw operation:
This looks rather boring. However, the function is not completely useless. If
we use other drawing modes (with the same limits as above), we get some nice
Now for a more complex example. The function we want to draw now is the
f(x) = 2x² - 3x - 1
One of the first problems we have to deal with is that we need 'x' twice to
calculate this function, and there is only one 'x' on the stack when the
program starts. We could use "mem/STO" to store the x in a memory location, and
"mem/RCL" to get it back whenever we need it, but a more common method is just
to dupliacte the number on the stack, using ENTER. One possible solution to
program the function follows. Before programming, clear the stack and enter a
dummy input value on the stack, e.g. '1', to be able to follow the
stack/clear ; clear the stack
1 ; enter dummy input value (be wild: try '2' instead)
; (text after the ';' is just comments)
prog/new "f2" ; now we start programming our new function
ENTER ; copy x. Now there are two x'es on the stack
math/simple/x² ; calculate x², using one of the x'es
* ; now we have 2x²
stack/x<->y ; bring down the other x
* ; now we have 2x² and 3x on the stack
- ; subtract the two, now we have 2x²-3x
- ; subtract 1, now the stack contains f(x)
prog/finish ; program finished
Let's see how the program works. Clear the stack, and enter the number 3. Then
press "prog/run/f2". The '3' disappears and is replaced by '8'. We have now
calculated f(3)=8.
To draw the function, follow the steps above, but select program f2 instead of
f1 for drawing.
This program solves a second-order polynomial of the type
ax² + bx + c = 0
The method used is accurate also if b² >> 4ac, as described
here. Before
running the program, push the coefficients a, b, and c to the stack,
in that order. On exit, the stack contains the original coefficients
plus the two roots (real or complex).
Program listing:
prog/new "Quad" ; start recording a new program
stack/RCL st# 1 ; b
stack/RCL st# 3 ; a
stack/RCL st# 2 ; c
math/simple/sqrt ; sqrt(b²-4ac)
stack/RCL st# 2 ; b (as the stack moves the index changes)
* ; sgn(b)*sqrt(b²-4ac)
stack/RCL st# 2 ; b
/ ; q = -(b+sgn(b)*sqrt(b²-4ac))/2
stack/RCL st# 1 ; c
stack/RCL st# 1 ; q
/ ; first root, c/q
stack/x<->y ; q again
stack/RCL st# 4 ; c
/ ; second root, q/a
prog/finish ; program finished
Assume you have an equation having different variables, for example
the equation describing an accelerated motion from a starting height
h0, with accelleration a, and initial velocity
v0. You want to know the height h at time t. Then the
equation looks like
h = h0 + v0t
+ ½at²
To solve this equation for different variables, we make use of some
registers, one for each variable, the memory monitor mode and the
equation solver, and even function plotting.
Since the built in solve command solves equations for 0, we transform
the above equation into
0 = h0 + v0t + ½at² - h
We use the following memory registers for the different variables, just
in order of their appearance in the equation:
M1=h0, M2=v0, M3=t, M4=a, M5=h
The register M0 will have a special role here: It will the determine the
variable we want to solve the equation for, e.g. set M0=3 for solving for
For following this example, switch on the memory monitor mode
("mode/monitor/mem/<4-7>/<6>") and enter some values:
M0=3, M1=100, M2=10, M4=-9.80665, M5=0
(The 9.80665 can be entered using
Now we enter the equation as a program:
prog/new "Speed" ; start a new program
mem/RCL 0 ; find out for which variable to solve
prog/mem/STO[x] ; store value on stack in this variable
clear ; remove var number+value
mem/RCL 1 ; start equation: recall h_0
mem/RCL 2 ; recall v_0
mem/RCL 3 ; recall t
* ; v_0 * t
+ ; h_0 + v_0 * t
mem/RCL 4 ; recall a
mem/RCL 3 ; recall t
math/simple/x² ; t2
* ; a * t2
/ ; a * t2 / 2
+ ; h_0 + v_0 * t + a * t2 / 2
mem/RCL 5 ; h
- ; h_0 + v_0 * t + a * t2 / 2 - h
Now we can use the solver to find out which value for t matches the
given values for the other variables. To start the solver, we need to
specify a lower bound and an upper bound where to search for the zero of
the equation, eg:
0 ; lower bound
100 ; upper bound
prog/more/solve/Speed ; call solver for our equation
The result shows that after about 5.65 seconds we will experience a
pretty hard landing on the ground. :)
If we wanted to know what initial speed is needed so that a ball
starting at a height of 100m is at 50m after 1 second, we would enter:
M0=2 (solve for M2=v0), M1=100; M3=1, M4=-9.80665, M5=50
0 ; lower bound
100 ; upper bound
prog/more/solve/Speed ; call solver
This gives us "nan" as result, since our guess of the bounds was
inappropiate. To find out which guess we could use, plot the error of
the equation:
The output looks like there is a zero for negative values of
v0. Hence try
This gives the result: approx -45.1
So we have to hit the ball quite hard ... :)
One suggestion: The hardest part is to remember which variable is
in which register. The memory mode displaying the entered/solved values
can be quite helpful for guessing which is which, but probabely you will
need a pice of paper here.
Submitted by Goetz Schwandtner
The built-in conversions to and from the DH.MS date-time
representation is quite impractical if you are calculating map or
stellar coordinates and want to convert between decimal degrees and
degrees, minutes and seconds. However, a few small programs using the
already built-in conversions can help you out:
Program listing:
prog/new "->DMS" ; start recording first program
ENTER ; make copy of input argument
math/misc/int/trunc ; integer part
math/misc/int/frac ; fractional part
prog/finish ; first program finished
prog/new "->D" ; start recording second program
ENTER ; make copy of input argument
math/misc/int/trunc ; integer part
math/misc/int/frac ; fractional part
prog/finish ; second program finished
prog/new "DMS+" ; start recording third program
ENTER ; make copy of first argument
math/misc/int/frac ; fractional part
math/misc/int/trunc ; integer part
stack/x<>st# 2 ; get second argument
ENTER ; make copy of second argument
math/misc/int/frac ; fractional part
math/misc/int/trunc ; integer part
stack/x<>st# 2 ; get first fractional part
conv/time/DH.MS+ ; sum everything...
prog/finish ; second program finished
Note: If you are able to enter the sign "»" in the program name, it
will magically turn into the sign "→" in the menu. In that case
you should call your programs "»D.MS", "»D", and "D.MS+" for clarity.
The theory of biorhythms is
speculative, but slightly entertaining. To program it, we use the fact
that real numbers are drawn as a pink line, imaginary parts of complex
numbers are drawn as a yellow line, and points where the imaginary and
real parts of a complex number coincide, are drawn with a white
color. In addition we use the fact that if a program result alternates
between values, many graphs can be drawn together. This program is
only intended to be "draw"n, if you "run" the program, you will get
alternating results.
Program listing:
prog/new "BioRt" ; start recording a new program
conv/time/now ; get current time
mem/RCL 0 ; get birthday
conv/time/DH.MS+ ; subtract dates
conv/time/->H ; hours since birthday
/ ; days since birthday
+ ; add x offset (on stack at start of program)
* ; multiply by 2*pi to convert to radians
ENTER ; 3 copies now on stack
trig/sin ; physical cycle is 23 days
trig/sin ; emotional cycle is 28 days
trig/coord/r->cplx ; make complex number, re=emotional, im=physical
trig/sin ; intellectual cycle is 33 days
trig/coord/r->cplx ; make complex number with re=im
mem/RCL 1 ; memory location 1 alternates between 0 and 1
mem/STO 1 ; alternating number calculated and stored
prog/util/select ; select y or z depending on alternating number
prog/finish ; program finished
Preparations: To try the program, store your birthday in memory
location 0, store 0 in memory location 1, make sure calculator is in
RAD mode, and push suitable graph limits on the stack, for instance
-14, 14, -1.2, 1.2, before finally executing
"prog/draw/y=f(x)/BioRt". This will draw the biorhythms for 14 days
before and after present. The pink graph shows your emotional cycle,
the yellow graph shows your physical cycle, and the white graph shows
your intellectual cycle, with zero on the x axis representing current
Suppose we have a set of data observations and we want to find curve
that fits the points:
x y
0 0
5 6
10 10
20 17
30 21
50 27
Looking at the points, the curve that seems to start at the origin,
grow linearly at first, and gradually lose its steepness towards the
right. One function that behaves this way is:
y = a ln(bx + 1)
Now we want to find out if such a curve fits the observed data
well. The statistics module can fit a curve to the function
y = a ln(x) + b. If we add a parameter
c to the x values before summing the statistics, we can fit a curve to
the function
y = a ln(x + c) + b. This
curve corresponds to the function above
iff. ln(c) = -b/a. Consequently, programming the
entering of the above data points with modified x values, and
calculating the resulting ln(c) + b/a, we can find
our curve using the "solve" operation.
Program listing:
prog/new "fit" ; start recording a new program
mem/STO 0 ; save input value, c
mem/RCL 0
stat/SUM+ ; x1+c,y1
mem/RCL 0
stat/SUM+ ; x2+c,y2
mem/RCL 0
stat/SUM+ ; x3+c,y3
mem/RCL 0
stat/SUM+ ; x4+c,y4
mem/RCL 0
stat/SUM+ ; x5+c,y5
mem/RCL 0
stat/SUM+ ; x6+c,y6
mem/RCL 0
math/pow/ln ; ln(c)
stat/result/alnx+b/a,b ; calculate a,b
+ ; output value, ln(c)+b/a
prog/finish ; program finished
Running the program with a few test values shows that c=1 and c=20 is
located on either side of the solution, and entering those limits
before executing "prog/solve/fit", yields the result
c=10.76295. Looking at the curve with "stat/result/alnx+b/draw" shows
a pretty good fit (although translated 10.76 along the x axis), and
the correlation coefficient "stat/result/alnx+b/r" returns 0.9996,
which indicates that the data is modeled well by the curve. The
coefficient "b" of the original function can be calculated
from the coefficients of our current function as eb/a, and
the coefficient "a" is the same.
By letting the input value of a program modify a set of statistics, we
have used the solve function to perform a curve fitting out of the
ordinary. The resulting function is as follows:
y = 15.724 ln(0.092911x + 1)
Given a number of 2D control points, a smooth parametric curve consisting of
segments of third degree polynomials x=f(t) and y=g(t) can be fitted to the
control points. This is called a spline. The
calculations are simplified by the use of matrices.
Program listing:
prog/new "Splin" ; start recording a new program
mem/RCL 0 ; matrix of control points
stack/x<->y ; t
clear ; rows = number of control points
- ; rows-3 = number of curve segments
* ; t*(rows-3) = current curve segment
math/misc/int/frac ; t within this curve segment
mem/STO 2
math/matrix/split ; extracting control points for this curve segment...
clear ; G = [ G0 G1 G2 G3 ]^T (control points)
mem/RCL 2
mem/RCL 2
mem/RCL 2
math/matrix/concat ; T = [ t^3 t² t 1 ]
mem/RCL 1 ; M (spline basis matrix)
* ; [ x y ] = T*M*G
math/matrix/split ; x, y
trig/coord/r->cplx ; z = x+yi
prog/finish ; program finished
Preparations: Create an Nx2 matrix containing the control
points and store them in memory location 0. Create a 4x4 spline basis
matrix and store it in memory location 1. Push suitable graph limits
on the stack before executing "prog/draw/z=f(t)/Splin".
Example set of 2D control points:
/ 2 22 \ ...
| 7 19 | | 21 6 |
| 14 18 | | 23 0 |
| 13 22 | | 26 7 |
| 2 11 | | 30 18 |
| 4 2 | | 29 22 |
| 11 2 | | 25 9 |
| 18 9 | | 27 0 |
| 21 9 | | 31 5 |
| 22 9 | | 34 9 |
| 19 9 | | 37 9 |
| 16 6 | | 38 9 |
| 16 2 | | 35 9 |
| 20 2 | | 32 6 |
| 22 5 | | 32 2 |
| 22 7 | | 36 2 |
| 23 10 | | 38 3 |
... \ 39 4 /
Examples of spline basis matrices:
Catmull-Rom spline: B-spline:
/ -1 3 -3 1 \ / -1 3 -3 1 \
1/2*| 2 -5 4 -1 | 1/6*| 3 -6 3 0 |
| -1 0 1 0 | | -3 0 3 0 |
\ 0 2 0 0 / \ 1 4 1 0 /
A Catmull-Rom spline interpolates the control points but is only first
order continuous. A B-spline does not interpolate the control points
(it most often winds between the points), but it is second order
continuous, and therefore often smoother.
There are several possibilites to plot a circle or ellipse, using
different plotting commands.
- Polar graph, circle centered at (0,0):
clear ; To remove input (phi)
1 ; Radius
- Parametric curve, in this case an ellipse centered at (5,5):
* ; 2*pi*t
3 ; y radius
5 ; y center
4 ; x radius
5 ; x center
- Positive and negative halves combined into one complex number. This
exploits the fact that prog/draw/y=f(x) draws the imaginary part of a complex
number in a different colour.
- Function result alternating between positive and negative halves. This
exploits the fact that points on the graph appear semi-randomly, so you might
draw any number of curves simultaneously by alternating between them.
mem/STO 0
mem/RCL 0
mem/STO 0
- Advanced example using the f(z)=z plot.
A simple example for demonstrating how to plot 3D graphs with the f(z)=z plot,
i.e. functions with a tuple (x,y) as input and a real value f(x,y) as output,
is a unit sphere. In the f(z)=z plot, the angle of the complex number f(z)
determines the color for each point, while abs(f(z)) determines the
intensity. If the function f(z) has only real function values, then the
positive values will be shades of green and the negative values shades of
magenta. It is a good idea to reduce the values plotted to the interval [0,1],
since the colors in the intervals [j,j+1] for any natural number j are
identical and it is not easy to determine the point with the maximal value
then. So an appropriate scaling is necessary which depends on the problem.
We use the function f(z)=sqrt(max(0,(1-abs(z)²))), which displays a nice
unit sphere:
Program listing:
prog/new "Spher"
trig/cplx/abs ; be sure to have a complex number on stack
; entry x before!
Plot this with the following bounds and command:
-1 1 -1 1 prog/draw/f(z)=z/"Spher"
Another nice example for the f(z)=z plotting mode is plotting a Madelbrot
fractal. It also demonstrates the simple usage of the DSE loop command.
Remember to turn on mode/monitor/prog when programming this, it will make it
easier to spot and fix programming errors. (Consult the manual to learn more)
Program listing:
mem/STO 0
mem/STO 1
prog/flow/LBL 0
mem/RCL 0
prog/flow/DSE 1
prog/flow/GTO 0
The calculations at the end of the program approximates the number of
iterations from log(log(|z|)), then calculates a new complex number based on
this, to give the resulting image some nice colors. One problem now is that
the somewhat ad-hoc color calculation towards the end only works for around
16 iterations, so if you increase the number of iterations, it might not look
as good. Of course, now that we have control flow, we can do more
sophisticated things such as actually setting the color to black (0)
when the mandelbrot loop has not diverged. I leave this as an exercise.
You can draw it using something like this:
-2 1 -1.5 1.5 prog/draw/z=f(z)/"mbrot"
Assume you are given a system of linear inequalities in two variables,
e.g. you have two kinds of resources at hand and want to produce some
products from them, but you have to maintain the capacity constraints of
your factory machinery. You want to know what the maximum profit is. I
leave it to your imagination to come to this abstract form of the problem.
Maximize x+y
subject to inequalities: x+2y ≤ 70, 2x+y ≤ 50, x≥0, y≥0
To solve this, we first transfer all inequalities to the form
a1*x+a2*y≤b, where we can change ≥ to ≤ by multiplying with -1. We can
then then collect all these inequalities into a matrix A, each line
being one inequaliy: A*(x,y) ≤ b
This leads to the following standard form: max c*(x,y), s.t. A*(x,y)≤b,
with c and b vectors and A a matrix over the reals.
/ 1 2 \ / 70 \
A = | 2 1 | , b = | 50 | , c = ( 1, 1 )
| -1 0 | | 0 |
\ 0 -1 / \ 0 /
We will now plot the set of solutions to the inequalities using the
f(z)=z plot function as a green area, where bright green stands for big
values of x+y and dark green for small values of x+y, the function we
want to maximize. First enter the matrixes above and store A in memory
4, b in memory 5 and c in memory 6.
Program listing:
prog/new/"Simpl" ; shorthand for "Simplex" :)
trig/complex/cplx->r ; split stack x+yi into x and y
matrix/stack ; transform into vector [x,y]
ENTER ; copy for later usage
mem/RCL 4 ; A
* ; A*[x,y] computed
mem/RCL 5 ; b
- ; transform to A*[x,y]-b <= 0
matrix/a_max ; check if all components/lines ...
prog/flow/x<=0 ; ... satisfy <= 0
prog/flow/GTO 1 ; if yes, goto calculation of c*x
clear ; case: some ineqality not satisfied
0 ; ... hence function result 0
prog/flow/LBL 1 ; case: all ineq. satisfied
mem/RCL 6 ; c
* ; calculate c*x
* ; scale to 0.025*c*x -> (1)
Then you may plot the simplex by
-5 40 -5 40 prog/plot/f(z)=z/"Simpl"
Pick the corner of the green area which has the brightest color
-- that will be your solution. More information about solving linear
programs can be found in the literature, including algorithms for cases
with more than 2 variables.
Note: The scaling (1) is used to reduce the values plotted to the
interval [0,1], since the colors in the intervals [j,j+1] for any
natural number j are identical and it is not easy to determine the point
with the maximal value then. So an appropriate scaling is necessary
which depends on the problem.
Some curves are the a set of zeros of a two dimensional function, like
x²+3y²-2x+3y-1=0. We show how to plot this equation using the f(z)=z plot. But
instead of plotting f(x,y)=0, we use the following form for our example:
| x²+3y²-2x+3y-1 | < ε
where we choose ε (epsilon) to be some suitable value. We will use ε=0.1 here.
Ok, first type in the function (it is useful to put something like 3+4i on the stack first,
so you can have a look at what happens if running the program for x=3 and y=4).
Program listing:
prog/new "curve"
monitor/prog/4 ; not needed, but useful if you want to see what you typed :)
trig/complex/cplx->r ; transform x+iy input to x and y coords
ENTER ; now we start to compute x^2+3y^2-2x+3y-1
+ ; we have x²+2x on stack
stack/x<->y ; now the stuff involving y ...
+ ; now we have 3y²+3y
+ ; now we have x²+2x+3y²+3y-1
0.1 ; epsilon
prog/flow/x>y? ; compare if | ... | < 0.1
prog/flow/GTO 1 ; it WAS smaller 0.1
0 ; in case | ... | ≥ 0.1, function output will be 0
prog/flow/LBL 1
1 ; in case | ... | < 0.1, function output will be 1
Now we plot a nice curve (ellipse, that is) by
-3 1 -2 1 prog/draw/z=f(z)/"curve"
Depending on your device's speed you will sooner or later see the curve, being
refined from a rather bulky version in the beginning. Remember that you can
redraw the coordinate system by pressing 0 in graph mode.
If you want to have a finer version, you may decrese epsilon to a smaller value.
The smaller the value of epsilon is, the better the curve looks and the more accurate
the plot is. But ... if it is too small, you will have to wait ages, before something
starts appearing, maybe forever.
If you think you've made a clever program, send it to me (roarl at,
and I might publish it here.